Donald Trump Meme

Whenever you open Facebook these days what do you see the most? Apart from couples getting married, people having kids, friends getting hitched and all the bullcrap, what is the second most common thing do you come across?

Oh yes, you are right! Meme!! Memes are the new cool and Facebook is almost barren without memes. Of all the memes that I love sharing, wrong trump meme are my favorite!!! They are just right there when you need something hilarious to post and they never fail to make one laugh.

Donald Trump Meme

Be it trump huge meme, trump saying wrong meme, trump says wrong meme all are just super funny and always on point!

I never fail to share it with my friends to have a good laugh! But again, some of my friends are too kiddish. They start crying!!! Imagine a 30-year-old starting to cry over silly troll memes!

But who cares?! These Donald trump saying wrong memes are fun and work wonder for these sissies.

Coming to my friends, well, they say hell lot of wrong kinds of stuff. Be it about politics, food, gaming, fashion, anything under the sun, they have to say something wrong! So what option do I have other than sending them wrong Donald trump meme. P.S that\’s my face when I see what crap they have written.

With so much of pig shit spread so far and wide across me, I have no option but to resort to wrong Donald trump meme. It\’s better than to say “ Stop talking you rat, you are speaking all wrong!” The trump meme wrong does it better and it is less insulting for my friends.

Well, at least they won’t cry!!!! With Donald Trump’s face around, they perhaps feel they are being corrected by the President! I don\’t know. They are really dumb!

So if you have as me dumb friends like me, here are a few wrong Donald trump meme for you to share with your friends!


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